gina{ML} : courtesan

User Reviews
- This girl's sexual skills were largely wasted when she was a house maid. Now, a Libertine Manor courtesan, gina is able to give free rein to her sluttiness. A talented whore: This girl will not disappoint. – Babbage
- A very lovely older lady that will do anything... and everything you wish and desire. Very skilled with her mouth and her holes and aims to please greatly. Treat her right and she will keep coming back again and again. Her immense experience and raw sexuality truly makes the time spent with her worthwhile. – Macphisto
- A perfectly willing submissive who genuinely seeks to selflessly please without hesitation. gina{ML} surrendered to my every demand, and, like a true slut, often pre-empting what is required of her without prompt. An ass-it to the Manor and an exemplary pleasure toy that does her Owner proud. – ^StradivariuS^
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